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11000-19000元 深圳南山区 应届毕业生 本科
西门子(深圳)磁共振有限公司 2024-06-16 14:36:33
11000-19000元 深圳南山区 应届毕业生 本科
西门子(深圳)磁共振有限公司 2024-06-16 14:36:33
Mission and responsibilities: 1.Identify relevant regional and local laws and regulations and internal Siemens Healthineers rules. 识别并确定适用的地区或本地相关的法律法规及西门子医疗内部规则; 2.Coach, consult and recommend process owners how SSMR can complaince the regulations and achieve the Siemens Healthineers internal targets, to support the business, including for risk reduction, compliance, process improvement and cost reduction. 指导、探讨并建议流程负责人SSMR如何在合规的前提下达到西门子医疗内部目标,包括降低风险、合规、流程改进和节约成本; 3.Assist process owners to define significant relevant EHS aspects, and be knowledgeable about significant SSMR level aspects. 帮助流程负责人定义重大EHS因素,并对SSMR公司层级的重大因素有一定认知; 4.Provide technical and regulatory assistance to process owners. 向流程负责人提供技术和管理上的协助; 5.Plan for needed training and communication regarding EHS to SSMR employees. 根据需要对SSMR员工进行EHS方面的培训和宣传; 6.Organize the safety check regularly to find out whether the processes are well followed and ensure the safety risk is in the minimum lever. Propose the corrective action according to the checking findings. Checking the implement of the corrective action. 定期组织安全检查以确认流程是否运行良好并控制安全风险在最小等级,针对发现的问题提出整改措施,并检查整改措施的执行情况; 7.According to the regulatory requirements, monitor distribute the personal protection equipment. Monitoring and educate employee how to proper wear the equipment. 依据法规要求监督劳保用品的分发,指导员工如何正确穿戴劳保用品并监督; 8.Review significant equipment, process and layout changes, and recommend relevant controls and processes from EHS respects 重要设备、流程及厂区布置调整时,对其进行评审,并从EHS角度提出相关控制措施及流程; 9.Organize eviroment inspection according to the regulation and follow up the improvement actions with the process owners 依照法规要求组织环境检查,并与流程负责人跟进改善措施的执行; 10.Organize occupication healthcare inspection 组织职业健康检查; 11.Ensure the compliance for product related environmental protection laws and regulations (such as RoHS and REACH) in system level. 确保产品相关的环境保护法规的符合性(如 RoHS和REACH); 12.Lead to apply for the environmental portfolio product. 组织申请绿色环保产品; 13.Support supplier management to ensure PREP requirements are implemented at the supplier sites. 对供应商管理提供支持,确保产品相关环境保护的法规在供应商处执行。 Your qualifications and experiences: 1.Bachelor's degree or above; 本科以上学历; 2.At least 3 years working experience in EHS; 3年以上EHS事务相关工作经验; 3.In-depth knowledge in ISO14001 or ISO 45001. 精通ISO14001 or ISO 45001体系知识。 4.Excellent Communication skill and Presentation; 拥有良好沟通技巧和演讲能力; 5.Good verbal, writing and reading skills in English; 良好的英语口语和读写能力。
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